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ixmaps rc


The master branch hosts iXMaps 0.9.beta.5 Version 0.9 is a release candidate for the iXMaps thematic mapping framework.

iXMaps is a vector graphic mapping framework, based on SVG files generated by an iXMaps tool, and a JavaScript library to geographically handle these SVG files.

The iXmaps vector layer is usually displayed on top of a HTML Tile Map powered by Leaflet.

iXMaps provides a high-level visualization grammar for thematic maps. It defines a concise JSON syntax for supporting rapid generation of visualizations from raw data.

You can find more details here: iXMaps page, Examples and some documentation here: theme grammar (JSON), theme api (JavaScript) and GIST tutorial.

try it

Try using iXmaps with your own data in the online Theme Configurator.

If you need test data, you find some in a dedicated ripository gjrichter/data. To use this data you can define a raw url with + dataname.csv
